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Kefir Lab’s Health Coaching

Elevate your health.
Chat with an expert.

Experience the power of physical and mental wellness with Kefir Lab’s personalized consultations.
  • Personalized Health Strategies
  • Actionable Tips & Guidance
  • Beauty and Wellness from Within
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  Starting at $65/h

Why Us

Comprehensive Health Consultations
Tailored for You.

Diet & Nutrition

Customized dietary plans to fuel your body and mind.

Mental & Brain Health

Strategies for mental clarity and cognitive enhancement.

Physical Health & Fitness

Personalized fitness regimes for peak physical performance.

Gut Health

Balancing gut health for overall well-being.

Aging & Beauty

Graceful aging and beauty techniques for lasting health.

Immunity & Disease Prevention

Strengthen your body’s defenses naturally.

Customized Health Plans

Tailor-made health strategies for your unique needs.

    Kefir Lab Experts

    Meet Your Health Coaches

    Jordan Mazur, MS, RD

    Sports Performance Nutrition

    Experienced Registered Dietitian specializing in sports performance nutrition and currently serves as the Director of Nutrition in the NFL.

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    Jordan Mazur, MS, RD

    Jordan Mazur is a seasoned professional with 8 years of experience as a Registered Dietitian, certified by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

    He has an extensive background in sports performance nutrition, health, and wellness.

    Currently, he holds the position of Director of Nutrition in the NFL, a role he has embraced for 7 years.

    Additionally, Mazur is the owner of JM Nutrition Consulting and contributes as a media journalist, covering a wide range of topics including nutrition, health, and food.


    Specialized in sports performance nutrition, his expertise extends to general health and wellness, with a specific focus on nutritional strategies in the athletic domain.

    Jesse Zastrow

    Integrative Medicine, Mindfulness, Spirituality

    12+ years in wellness, specializing in energy medicine and holistic health, emphasizing physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual balance.

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    Jesse Zastrow

    Jesse Zastrow is a holistic health practitioner dedicated to enhancing overall well-being at every level of human experience—physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.

    With over 12 years of experience in the wellness field, Jesse specializes in energy medicine, focusing on balancing the body, mind, and spirit.

    His approach is comprehensive, integrating meditation practices, physical performance optimization, nutritional guidance, and mental reprogramming to facilitate profound and lasting health improvements.


    Specializing in energy medicine, Jesse offers unique solutions for energetic imbalances and emphasizes meditation for mental clarity and emotional stability.

    His holistic approach also encompasses optimizing physical performance, nutritional fulfillment, and mental reprogramming for complete health and freedom.

    Erika Gilmandinova

    Nutrition & Lifestyle

    Probiotic expert at Kefir Lab with extensive experience
    in enhancing gut health through nutrition and lifestyle changes.

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    Erika Gilmandinova

    Erika Gilmandinova is a probiotic expert at Kefir Lab, backed by 15 years of experience in promoting gut health through nutrition and lifestyle.

    Stemming from a family of doctors, microbiologists, and probiotic researchers, Erika is well-grounded in her field.

    She holds a Master’s degree in Disruptive Innovation, a certification in Functional Nutrition, and has completed several courses at Harvard, including “Science of Cooking,” “Chemistry of Cooking,” and “Cooking with Microbes.”


    Erika’s specialization lies in probiotic consultancy, particularly in optimizing gut health. She is also proficient in functional nutrition, offering tailored nutrition and lifestyle recommendations.

    Her background in disruptive innovations and her extensive family lineage in medicine enable her to devise innovative approaches for gut health improvement.

    Manoli Lagos

    Nutrition, Performance Biohacking, Detoxing

    A seasoned Health Coach, guiding clients to optimal well-being and performance through nutrition, exercise, and biohacking.

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    Manoli Lagos

    Manoli is the founder of a coaching platform, The Living Fuel, that has transformed the lives of over 10,000 people.

    He is a certified Health Coach and has been coaching busy professionals, CEOs, athletes, and high-performers for 8 years by helping them feel and perform better in their everyday lives.

    Manoli is an avid biohacker and practices what he preaches, allowing him to stay at the cutting edge of technology and wellness for his clients.


    Manoli’s specializes in nutrition, exercise coaching, weight loss and helping people reclaim the connection with their body and unlock their highest potential.

    Her background in disruptive innovations and her extensive family lineage in medicine enable her to devise innovative approaches for gut health improvement.

      How it works

      Improve your health
      in Three Simple Steps


      Book Your Session

      Secure your spot for a one-on-one consultation.

      Chat with an Expert

      Discuss your health goals and challenges in a personalized session.

      Apply Tailored Advice

      Implement the expert recommendations to enhance your health and wellness.

      Thousands who love Kefir Lab

      Loved by doctors, health & nutrition experts, professional athletes, and health enthusiasts from all corners of the world.
      4.9 / 5 (323)

      Sarah Mitchell

      KefirLab’s health coach service has been a game changer for me. My coach provided personalized guidance and support, helping me achieve my health goals. I’ve seen significant improvements in my energy levels and overall well-being since starting the program.

      James Brown

      Very helpful, great service.

      Emily Johnson

      The health coach service from KefirLab is fantastic. My coach gave me practical advice and motivation, making it easier to stay on track with my health goals. Highly recommend!

      David Wilson

      Great support and guidance. I feel healthier.

      Olivia Garcia

      I’m extremely pleased with the health coach service. My coach was knowledgeable and supportive, offering tailored advice that made a real difference. I’ve never felt better!

      Michael Taylor

      Good service, very motivating.

      Sophia Martinez

      KefirLab’s health coach has been amazing. Personalized advice and consistent support have helped me reach my health targets. I feel more energetic and healthier overall.

      John Lee

      Helpful and encouraging.

      Isabella Harris

      The health coach service is excellent. My coach provided actionable insights and kept me motivated throughout. I’ve achieved my fitness goals thanks to their support.

      Matthew Walker

      Great experience, very motivating! 💪

      Emma Robinson

      I highly recommend KefirLab’s health coach service. The personalized plans and ongoing support were exactly what I needed. I feel more empowered and in control of my health.

      Henry Thompson

      The coaching service has been invaluable. My coach’s tailored advice and encouragement have led to significant improvements in my health. Definitely worth it!

      Sophia Clark

      Fantastic support and advice. My health has improved noticeably since I started the program.

      Daniel Lewis

      Good advice, very supportive. It’s been a great experience.
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        Ready to Transform Your Health?

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          Starting at $65/h